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Signed in as:
The K9 Team was deployed to a small town in northwestern Nebraska to assist a young wife in the search for her husband who had been missing over 2 months when our team arrived.
Although there had been police, sheriff, numerous search and rescue teams as well as hundreds of volunteers, there had been no clues, leads or sightings of the young father since he went missing.
The investigative team went to the last place the young man had been seen and the K9s began tracking from there. Three miles and five hours later the K9s had tracked to a wooded area in a national forest where the scent picture changed and then dissipated. We were notified that a flood had gone through this area near the time the young man went missing but felt this was not the reason the dogs stopped. Months later, we would receive confirming information of these findings.
Unidentified evidentiary findings as well as the trail taken by the K9s was presented in the field as well as in a report to local law enforcement who took over the disposition of the findings and the work product from there.
Three months later we would return with another P.I. and her K9 team who ran the trail from the point last seen... blind. The results would be the same.
A private bloodhound team would also have similar findings.
This case is still under investigation by law enforcement and remains open.
Names, dates and location have been removed for the privacy of the family and the missing individual.